- Back from the break and we get a RAW 1000 video of Regis Philbin talking about how much he loves WWE. He congratulates WWE on 1,000 episodes of RAW.
- We go to the ring and out comes Triple H to to a big pop. We cut to the Slam of the Week which is actually Triple H and Brock Lesnar going at it 3 months ago.
Triple H is still dressed in his DX gear. He says he’s had his fun so it’s time to pick the intensity up. He knows Brock Lesnar is here and calls him out. Triple H wants to fight Lesnar at SummerSlam and he wants the answer right now. Lesnar’s music hits and out comes Paul Heyman.
Triple H wanted the horse’s head not his ass, he says. Heyman admits that Lesnar is here tonight. Lesnar has authorized Heyman to answer his question now. Lesnar’s answer is no. Triple H says he’s tired of the crap and says maybe he will just go backstage and find Lesnar. Heyman wonders if that’s really best for business but Triple H doesn’t care at this point. Triple H calls Lesnar a little coward, a little bully. Triple H wonders if Lesnar is afraid of him. Heyman mocks Triple H for resorting to name calling. Heyman asks if that’s what Triple H teaches his children. Triple H backs Heyman up and says not to talk about his family or his kids. Heyman apologizes and says he feels sorry for Triple H’s children. Triple H moves in but out comes Stephanie McMahon to a nice pop.
Stephanie gets in Heyman’s face and says to never speak about her kids again. Stephanie says the lawsuits are personal and brings up his failures in WCW, ECW and WWE. Stephanie says when it comes to being a visionary, Heyman is looking in the rear-view when compared to her father Vince. Not a typo. Stephanie says Heyman’s kids are ashamed of him because he’s a professional parasite. Stephanie slaps Heyman. Heyman gets upset and says it’s on – Triple H vs. Brock at SummerSlam. Heyman applauds and says Stephanie did it again. He fell for it – she always gets her way. Heyman brings up her kids again and Stephanie tackles him. Stephanie unloads on Heyman when Brock Lesnar’s music hits and out he comes.
Stephanie rolls out of the ring as Brock enters and spears Triple H into the corner. They brawl back and forth throwing big shots. Triple H knocks Lesnar out of the ring as the crowd goes crazy. Brock and Heyman look on from the ramp as Triple H stands in the ring. Lesnar yells for him to “f” off and they bleep it out!
- More hype for the WWE Title match before going to commercial.
- Back from the break and we get more Tout videos and then some hype for WWE ’13.
- We get a look back at the Steve Austin and Vince McMahon feud. Back to commercial.
Slater challenges the Legends to a No DQ, No Countout match. The music hits and out comes Lita.
*Lita vs. Heath Slater
Slater takes the mic and laughs but accepts the challenge. She brought some protection and out comes JBL and Ron Simmons – the return of the APA. Slater leaves the ring and heads up the ramp. He’s interrupted by the LOD music and out comes all the Legends who have faced Slater in recent weeks. Animal, Sid, Vader, Rikishi, Sgt. Slaughter, Roddy Piper, Diamond Dallas Page, Doink the Clown and Bob Backlund. They throw Slater back in the ring. Lita hits a Twist of Fate while JBL hits a big Clothesline from Hell. Lita gets the win.
Winner: Lita
- All the Legends come into the ring to celebrate with Lita. Everything stops and Ron Simmons does a “DAMN!” at Slater. The Legends celebrate some more and taunt Slater. - We get a look back at the wedding and Vince McMahon naming AJ the new General Manager. They show The Rock laying out Bryan with a Rock Bottom.
- Former announcer Sean Mooney is backstage with Daniel Bryan. Bryan isn’t happy about what happened or being insulted by Charlie Sheen.
- Michael Cole is at ringside with WWE’s 100 millionth social media fan. He talks about how he’s having a better night than Daniel Bryan. The next RAW 1000 video features Muppet Fozzie. He talks about some of the WWE catchphrases over the year and shows us a video.
- Zack Ryder is backstage with Mean Gene Okerlund and John Cena. Ryder says Gene was behind GTV, an old angle from years ago. The Rock walks up so Gene and Ryder leave. Cena says it’s been a long time. Rock wishes Cena good luck. Cena brings up The Rock and the Royal Rumble. Cena says he’s cashing in tonight and will become the WWE Champion so he can get one more shot at The Great One. Rock says he can’t begin to tell Cena how much he’s looking forward to that. Rock wishes Cena good luck again as we go back to commercial.
- Back from the break and out comes Kane. Kane goes to do his pyro but is interrupted by Jinder Mahal. He comes out with Tyler Reks, Curt Hawkins, Camacho, Hunico and Drew McIntyre. They surround the ring but the lights go out and here comes The Undertaker.
Taker makes his entrance to the ring as Kane looks on. The other Superstars are talking at ringside. Taker takes his hood off to reveal the same hairstyle he had at WrestleMania. Kane and Taker stare at each other. The heels hit the ring but Taker and Kane fight them off. It comes down to Hawkins and Hunico but they catch chokeslams at the same time. The Brothers of Destruction does the cutthroat and scoop Hawkins and Hunico up for Tombstones. The crowd chants “this is awesome” as Taker and Kane clear the ring of Hawkins and Hunico. Taker drops to one knee and poses while his music starts. Kane stands behind him and makes the pyro go off to end the segment.
- Back from commercial and the announcers go back to Charlie Sheen on Skype. They ask him about Daniel Bryan’s threats from earlier. Sheen disses Bryan and says he won’t be hiding from him. Lawler asks if Sheen is challenging Bryan to a match and he says Bryan can interpret it however he wants. Cole teases that there may be a confrontation at SummerSlam.
-Cena cashes in his MITB briefcase.
*WWE Title Match: John Cena vs. CM Punk(c) Punk goes for GTS but Cena slides out and accidentally shoves Punk into the referee. Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment and pins Punk for the win but the referee is out on the floor.
Big Show comes out and spears Cena. Cena gets up as Punk looks on and Show waits. Show drops Cena with a knockout punch and leaves the ring. Punk watches and gets up, acting unsure about what to do. He goes out to get the referee and brings him back in the ring. Punk finally covers Cena but he kicks out at 2.
Punk picks Cena up for the GTS but Cena blocks it and locks in the STF. Big Show comes back in and breaks the hold with a big elbow for the DQ.
Winner: John Cena (via DQ)
- Cena wins the match but not the title. After the match, Show unloads on Cena as Punk looks on. Show stomps away on Cena after beating him down. Show continues to beat Cena up while Punk does nothing about it. The Rock’s music hits and here he comes running. Rock unloads on Big Show and takes him down with a spinebuster. Rock goes for the People’s Elbow but Punk stops him with a clothesline. A bit of a mixed reaction from the crowd. Punk waits on Rock to get up and hits him with GTS. Still a mixed reaction for Punk but more boo’s. Punk grabs the WWE Title and walks out of the ring as Rock tries to recover. More fans are booing Punk now. RAW goes off the air with Punk walking away with the WWE Title. WWE RAW 1000th EPISODE